Sunday, October 7, 2007

Telelogic SA 培訓

由今天開始, 一連五天在新加坡接受Telelogic SA培訓. 已經很久沒有參加那麼長的培訓了

Telelogic SA

Thursday, August 16, 2007

「 Efficiency Up!效能實現新思維」研討會

「 Efficiency Up!效能實現新思維」研討會







為滿足企業在快速開發、降低測試成本以及創建優質產品交付…等需求,Telelogic日前在台成立分公司,希望藉由適用於軟體發展、系統工程、測試流程的模型驅動開發(MDD, Model Driven Development) ,將最佳經驗引入開發過程,協助企業建構全面整合與自動化的高效能環境,突破現有的開發困境。


日期:8月21日(週二) 下午13:30 ~ 16:45

地點:新竹老爺大酒店 會議室3+4



Friday, August 3, 2007

7月二十九日, 我又做"兄弟"

這一日, 我又做兄弟, 我可以夠膽講, 今次你我做兄弟的經驗來說, 最值得記錄下來
  1. 最多傷兵: 一個要隻腳斷了, 仲未好番; 另外一個朝早個咀受傷, 足足流了十分鐘血 (就是我)
  2. 最多已婚人士: 講真呀! 千祈唔好找已婚人士做兄弟, 因為佢地實出賣你
  3. 最亂講野: 永樂的一句: "好心分手", 立即受到衆兄弟的"圍打"
無論點都好喇, 新郎哥真係愛佢老婆愛到愛到發囇狂, 以下是就是證據:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Book in Requirement Management.

by Dr Jeremy Dick, Prof Elizabeth Hull & Prof Ken Jackson

Requirements Engineering

I am going to buy it. If you are interest, please leave me message. Want more information, please check out here.

I need clear Requirement!

In these 6 months, I met with lots of different kind of cusotmer. E.g. Banking Finance, Automotive, Software Development, Logistic. Messages I got from customers is so clear:
"I need clear Requirement!",
"We need to manage the Requirement properly"
"I don't have complete set of documentation to describe my system"
All these message are pointing to a specific area - Requirement Management.

Customers visit in Airport area.

What's a conincident! Since I visited those customer, it was 4 years ago while I still in Telelogic's Competitor company. At the moment, the message that I got from the customer is:

"We are Blue shop. Hardware, we go for IBM Hardware. Software, we go for Rational"
Actually, it was really sad to me at that moment. But, after 4 years, message is changed a little bit.
"We are open to any software that can help us. For IBM Rational, we did not use much!"
I think IT organization is getting more and more complicated. Old vision or technology cannot hlep them any more. Shorter time, better quality. On the other hand, it was so great to hear the customer believe Telelogic product, solution and vision. Sometime, we just work so hard and believe what we are doing is good. However, the problem is: No validation.

Getting customer agreement in the first meeting is really great. We didn't show them the detail of the products, or even powerpoint. Just in a an single hour, the CIO, head of IT immediate address the value of the Telelogic Vision. It is really wonderful. No wonder, they are the CIO, or Head of IT, not me!

Saturday, May 5, 2007


在上一個月 (4/26), 第一次在台灣講Seminar. 題目是"永續企業的成長與管理". 真的很感謝當日來參加的朋友, 因為我的國語實在太有限了. 但出席的人卻不少, 超過100人呀!

以下URL, 有一些當日的簡介和照片,

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

歡迎光臨! 您好!

在台灣, 進餐館的時候, 總會聽見 "歡迎光臨!", 坐"小黃" (的士) 的時候, 也總有一句: "您好!". 這些都是我在台灣的聽見的說話. 話實的, 我一直以為, 一句 "歡迎光臨! ", 或"您好!"算不得甚麼, 但當我在台灣一個星期後, 回到香港, 竟有點大太習慣.....

"可以給我餐牌嗎?", 飢餓的我問
"在這裏, 你自己看吧!", 說罷, waitress就走了..

那時我在想, 究竟我是誰呀? 我不就是那個進來, 想吃一個午餐的客人, 嘩!好厲害的服務態度, 她的面無笑容, 跟你多說一句話也要考究ROI (Return On Investment)的服務態度. 令我深深應受到, 香港作為國際金融中心的影響力. 難怪近年常聽人說"香港的服務態度, 已達國內的水平", 正當國內常說要跟國際接軌的時候, 已跟國際接軌的香港卻來一個與"國內的水平"看齊, 好有"反高朝". 看來回歸十年是成功的!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Telelogic 的中文網站?

到現在為此, Telelogic 的繁體中文網站還沒有準備好, 作為從事技術發展一員的我, 就嘗試通過技術去"變"一個 Telelogic 的繁體中文網站, 以方便台灣的用户.

相關技術: Google Translate

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Google Trends

近日發現一個Google的新功能 - Google Trend. 它的主要功能是通過用戶的Keyword Search Keyword的資料, 來整合一些Trend的出來. 由於用google做research的人實在太多, google變相成為了一個全世界最大的投票器, 所以它所提供出來的Trend有非常大的參考價值.

打個比喻, 我想看看人們對Configuration Management的Trend,

我不單可以看見它的Trend, 也可以知道那一個國家, 城市, 語言Trend的分佈, 還有它的相關新聞.

好像我工作的公司 - 它有很多很好的產品, 但不可能每一件產品也推的, Google Trend在這個時候就非常有用, 我可先找出那一種類的產品在香港是最多人有興趣. 最簡單直接, 就是找出那相關的keywords, 然後, 在Google Trend找找, 看看結果.

舉一個例子, DOORS最好的產品, 我看看香港的潛力有多大, 又或者, 想知道Media Coverage做得怎樣, 我用"Requirement Management"作為一個keyword, 然後看看它是Trend怎樣.

很清楚, 香港在Cities Trend內全世界排第八, 如果從Regions的角度來講, 香港甚至排第四. 但是Media Coverage就做得太差, 完全沒有.

從在一這簡單的例子, 很容易就知道應該怎樣去定位產品, 和市場策略.

Monday, April 9, 2007


上星期一, 老細突然急call, 要我明天去上海跟他開會. 原先以為可以在香港一星期, 點知又要走.

上機前, 我總有一個習慣, 就是去書店(通常都是去Relay)看看有沒有好書. 今次又有發現
Flyinig High: How JetBlue Founder and CEO David Neeleman Beats the Competing...

JetBlue在airline行業是一間非常出名, 它的成立的時日很短, CEO David Neeleman在創立JetBlue之前, 已經成功創立和賣出兩條airline, 那個時候, 他還不到四十歲...

David Neeleman是一個非常非常聰明的人, 但他連大學的學位也沒有一個, 相信是跟他有過度活躍症有關, 可是亦因此而有今日的成就. 為甚麼? 自己買本返去睇, 這本書的英文用字簡單, 就萛英文不太好, 也可以看得很舒服.

還有, 今天的eTicketing也是由他一手創立, 但他當時推出eTicketing的最大原因, 除了因為可以令成本下降之外, 主要是因為受到其他的airline圍攻. 過程精彩非常, 不容錯過.

Monday, April 2, 2007


還記得一個月前在韓國參加Telelogic SYNERGY產品的培訓, 在出發前的一天, 才想起在韓國是沒有CDMA和GSM, 她有自己的一套, 跟日本一樣. 如果我想在韓國有ROAMING的話, 我的手機一定要有3G才行. 可惜那我用的是HP RW68XX (我也不記得它的型號, 畢竟, hp 的pda phone是我見過的最差), 它雖然是tri-band, 但就是沒3G.

哈哈, 本來我想, "好囉, 沒人可以打比我, 樂得清靜" 天下又那有我想我那麼美呢, 要找我的人, 一樣可以通過 email, msn, skype 找到我呢!

最後, 我發現了一個又平又慳錢的方法 - Skype.

不要以為Skype一定要PC to PC, 它還可以PC to Phone. 說是Skype-out. 當然, 它是收費的, 不過就平的緊要, 一分鐘亦只不過是 HK$0.17. Quality又唔錯, 絶對唔比電話差.

1) 選擇國家
2) 按入電話號碼

當然, 一個好的headset是非常重要的.

想知多D, 可以看看這裏:

還有, 你還可以加一個skype 的 short-cut係你個Blog度, 以後, 其他人就可以知就知道你是不是已經在Skype Online.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Tai Chung Night

Around 10pm, my TW colleague arrived from TaiPei. As we didn't eat anything good, we went out and eat. We found a pretty nice place to eat and chat. He tought me some Taiwan local slange.

你這個人好"麥當勞" = 你這個人沒有內容

There was more, but better don't show here....

Flying to Tai Chung

7:20pm: Flight to TaiChung

In the check in counter,
"Sir, going to Tai Chung, right?", asked by the airline

"Yes, Tai Chung, 7:20pm", I answered.
"Do you have the TW VISA?", the staff said.
"No, I can just apply for it in TaiChung immigration,
isn't", I asnwered confidently.

"Oh.., sorry, there is no office in TaiChung for VISA
application. You better go to apply for it in Zone K, else you will be kick
back.", the staff recommend,

"O.. shit, I better act quick, as there is no time", I said

Unfortunately, I was in Zone D. Then I rush to Zone K (the other end of the airport). But fortunately, I can apply it through the Internet (there is Pacific Coffee provided PC for net browsing).

Again, if you have experience about applying the TW VISA, you must understand the situation. The website is very slow, and will give you error something. As there was so rush, I filled in the form incorrectly. I made me to queue for the PC again and reapply it. At that moment, I still remember, the staff told me : You've to come back before 6:40pm. It was only 10min till 6:40pm. Also, there is only 2 flight to Tai Chung a day. If I could not catch it, I have to change to TaiPei or take the flight tomorrow morning. That's why I am so worry.

In the last minute, I got the VISA and the boarding pass. Ho.....

The unlucky issues is always comes in sequence....

The flight was full, and very small. I was packed with all the Taiwanese (I think I was the only HKee) Can you image? There was water drop inside the flight. Yes, water drop. As the flight is so small and old, it didn't have enough electricity support both pilot and air condition. So, when it was piloting, the air-conditioner basic was off. The water started to accumlate. I was reading newspaper. In 10 mins, my newspaper, clothes, head was being dropped a few times... In that moment, I missed "Cathy Pacific"...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Purposes of this Blog

The initiative of building up that are:
  1. Share information about my job (Telelogic), and personal
  2. Share some personal idea about the Technology
  3. Test and play around of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
For sure, more idea are welcome. Additionally, want to see how much $$ adsense can help me earn. So, friends, click on the left side "sponsor links", so that I can track the result.

Also, you can share your idea with more and ask me question. For sure, connect me through Skype from the left top corner is another alternative. When you do that, please let me know who are you.


Being frustrated by MSN Live blog for long time, I decided to move my blog from MSN to Blogger. This is not only because I don't like MSN blogger, but also, blogger provide more flexibility in blogging and earning extra $$.